About WrestleStat

About WrestleStat

  • This site is designed to allow fans, wrestlers, coaches, SID’s and media the ability to view match results, view statistical rankings, view team rosters and schedules, compare head to head matchups for teams and individual wrestlers and so much more.
  • It provides the ability to view all match results from the 2014 season to present, for each wrestler and team.
  • This was created merely as a means to give the fans, wrestlers, coaches, SID’s and media a little more information about their favorite wrestlers/teams without requiring as much individual research.
  • If there is data for a particular wrestler that is missing, extra, or just plain wrong, or missing a wrestler altogether, feel free to send an email to support@wrestlestat.com.
  • Also, if you have any questions, comments, feedback, suggestions for improvements or additions, feel free to send an email as well.
  • Lastly, I AM NOT A WEB DESIGNER! This is merely for content, not looks.
  • ENJOY!