Box Score | Worcester Polytechnic - The College of New Jersey Dual
Box Score | Worcester Polytechnic - The College of New Jersey Dual
Weight | The College of New Jersey Wrestler |
Worcester Polytechnic Wrestler |
Result |
125 | #288 William Hinkson | #108 Charlie Pavis | L TF5 16 - 0 3:56 |
133 | #44 Larry Melchionda | #196 Connor Doran | W DEC 14 - 9 |
141 | #3 Domenic Difrancescantonio | #406 Quincy Laflin | W FALL 0:16 |
149 | #13 Michael Conklin | #170 Zachary Rioux | W FALL 1:14 |
157 | #60 Connor Doherty | #342 Caden Crist | W TF5 15 - 0 5:27 |
165 | #4 Nick Sacco | #29 Mario Barberio | W FALL 4:39 |
174 | #23 Reid Colella | #63 Ethan Edmondson | W FALL 4:01 |
184 | #17 Quinn Haddad | #104 David Gibson | W FALL 5:46 |
197 | #46 Demetrius Ruiz | #66 Tyler Riggs | W DEC 3 - 2 |
285 | #17 Peter Wersinger | #55 Lucas Wilson-Wuestefeld | W TF5 17 - 2 6:25 |
Weight | The College of New Jersey Worcester Polytechnic |
Result |
125 |
#288 William Hinkson
#108 Charlie Pavis |
L TF5 16 - 0 3:56 |
133 |
#44 Larry Melchionda
#196 Connor Doran |
W DEC 14 - 9 |
141 |
#3 Domenic Difrancescantonio
#406 Quincy Laflin |
W FALL 0:16 |
149 |
#13 Michael Conklin
#170 Zachary Rioux |
W FALL 1:14 |
157 |
#60 Connor Doherty
#342 Caden Crist |
W TF5 15 - 0 5:27 |
165 |
#4 Nick Sacco
#29 Mario Barberio |
W FALL 4:39 |
174 |
#23 Reid Colella
#63 Ethan Edmondson |
W FALL 4:01 |
184 |
#17 Quinn Haddad
#104 David Gibson |
W FALL 5:46 |
197 |
#46 Demetrius Ruiz
#66 Tyler Riggs |
W DEC 3 - 2 |
285 |
#17 Peter Wersinger
#55 Lucas Wilson-Wuestefeld |
W TF5 17 - 2 6:25 |