Box Score | Thaddeus Stevens College Of Tech - Alvernia Dual

Box Score | Thaddeus Stevens College Of Tech - Alvernia Dual

Weight Alvernia
Thaddeus Stevens College Of Tech
125 #352 Julian Zaragoza (NJCAA) Gavin Renard W FALL 2:24
133 #376 Anthony Astorino (NJCAA) Rah'Miere Sanders W DEC 9 - 3
141 #288 Sebastiano Spina (NJCAA) Nick Bradbury W FALL 0:40
149 #267 Nolan Brown (NJCAA) Ryan Findlay W FALL 2:34
157 #289 Paul Kakos (Forfeit) W FOR 0 - 0
165 #1 Matthew Lackman (Forfeit) W FOR 0 - 0
174 #456 James Moffat (NJCAA) Qadir Hayward W FALL 3:40
184 #76 William Knapp (NJCAA) Davian Waite W DEC 9 - 6
197 #155 Myles Brown (Forfeit) W FOR 0 - 0
285 #59 Owen Reber (NJCAA) Peyton Wentzel L FALL 2:25
Weight Alvernia
Thaddeus Stevens College Of Tech
125 #352 Julian Zaragoza
(NJCAA) Gavin Renard
W FALL 2:24
133 #376 Anthony Astorino
(NJCAA) Rah'Miere Sanders
W DEC 9 - 3
141 #288 Sebastiano Spina
(NJCAA) Nick Bradbury
W FALL 0:40
149 #267 Nolan Brown
(NJCAA) Ryan Findlay
W FALL 2:34
157 #289 Paul Kakos
W FOR 0 - 0
165 #1 Matthew Lackman
W FOR 0 - 0
174 #456 James Moffat
(NJCAA) Qadir Hayward
W FALL 3:40
184 #76 William Knapp
(NJCAA) Davian Waite
W DEC 9 - 6
197 #155 Myles Brown
W FOR 0 - 0
285 #59 Owen Reber
(NJCAA) Peyton Wentzel
L FALL 2:25