#88 Westminster


#57 Quincy

Next matchup: 01/04
Since 2014: Tied 1 - 1
WrestleStat Prediction:
Westminster over Quincy 24 - 6
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These schools are in different divisions; their rankings are for their respective divisions, and the predictions do not factor the different divisions, and probably should be ignored.
WrestleStat Prediction
Brian Farley (Quincy) over Isaac Gawronski (Westminster) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Westminster 3 | Quincy 0
Isaac Gawronski vs common opponents: 0 - 5
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#101 Rios, Kaden 01/11/25 L DEC 8 - 7
#130 Farley, Brian 01/04/25 L MD 13 - 5
#163 Reina, Jack 01/04/25 L DEC 9 - 4
Giurini, Andre 01/04/25 L FALL 0:22
#235 Reina, Jack 01/07/23 L DEC 7 - 5
Brian Farley vs common opponents: 3 - 1
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#155 Gawronski, Isaac 01/04/25 W MD 13 - 5
#163 Reina, Jack 01/04/25 W DEC 9 - 3
Giurini, Andre 01/04/25 L DEC 12 - 7
#101 Rios, Kaden 11/09/24 W FALL 6:18
WrestleStat Prediction
Damien Flores (Quincy) over Henry Warfel (Westminster) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Westminster 6 | Quincy 0
Henry Warfel vs common opponents: 0 - 2
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#195 Flores, Damien 01/04/25 L MD 13 - 2
#279 Deyro, Sam 01/04/25 L FALL 0:40
Damien Flores vs common opponents: 1 - 1
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#279 Deyro, Sam 01/04/25 L MD 14 - 3
#290 Warfel, Henry 01/04/25 W MD 13 - 2
WrestleStat Prediction
Sabian Russell (Quincy) over Wyatt Cooley (Westminster) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Westminster 6 | Quincy 3
Wyatt Cooley vs common opponents: 5 - 4
vs opponent: 0 - 2
Glenn, Kael 01/22/25 W DEC 10 - 7
#69 Russell, Sabian 01/04/25 L TF5 15 - 0 2:51
#290 Taylor, Will 01/04/25 W DEC 10 - 5
Jennings, Keygan 01/04/25 L MD 16 - 5
Glenn, Kael 12/10/24 W TF5 23 - 8 7:00
#178 Payne, Zander 12/07/24 L TF5 15 - 0 3:51
#69 Russell, Sabian 11/24/24 L TF5 15 - 0 7:00
Carstarphen, Khyler 02/04/23 W FALL 0:32
#198 Pollard, Paul 01/15/23 W DEC 11 - 10
Sabian Russell vs common opponents: 8 - 0
vs opponent: 2 - 0
#290 Taylor, Will 01/04/25 W TF5 17 - 0 3:00
#326 Cooley, Wyatt 01/04/25 W TF5 15 - 0 2:51
Jennings, Keygan 01/04/25 W TF5 23 - 2 7:00
#326 Cooley, Wyatt 11/24/24 W TF5 15 - 0 7:00
Glenn, Kael 11/08/24 W FALL 3:50
Carstarphen, Khyler 11/02/24 W TF5 19 - 3 7:00
#238 Pollard, Paul 12/01/23 W FALL 2:38
#290 Payne, Zander 11/04/23 W TF5 18 - 3 7:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Zachary Harrington (Quincy) over Jonathan Roberts (Westminster) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Westminster 9 | Quincy 3
Jonathan Roberts vs common opponents: 2 - 2
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#201 Harrington, Zachary 01/04/25 L MD 12 - 2
Casas, Jose 01/04/25 W FALL 2:06
#235 Hanel, Kameron 12/11/21 W FALL 1:14
#235 Hanel, Kameron 11/13/21 L DEC 14 - 8
Zachary Harrington vs common opponents: 3 - 0
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#215 Hanel, Kameron 01/04/25 W TF5 16 - 1 4:02
#322 Roberts, Jonathan 01/04/25 W MD 12 - 2
Casas, Jose 01/04/25 W TF5 15 - 0 4:15
WrestleStat Prediction
Hunter Vernon (Quincy) over Michael Roberts (Westminster) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Westminster 12 | Quincy 3
Michael Roberts vs common opponents: 8 - 4
vs opponent: 1 - 0
Nichols, Whit 01/11/25 W FALL 1:16
#77 Macias, Michael 01/04/25 L DEC 14 - 7
#80 Vernon, Hunter 01/04/25 W FALL 3:33
Salin, Jase 01/04/25 W FALL 0:42
Nichols, Whit 12/10/24 W FALL 0:27
#213 Rathjen, Logan 11/24/24 L DQ 0 - 0
Stovall, Jakob 11/24/24 W FALL 2:05
#458 McDaniel, Bradley 12/02/23 L MD 19 - 5
#135 Kuster, Joe 11/04/23 W FALL 1:47
#84 Gallub, Jared 02/24/23 W DEC 11 - 5
#84 Gallub, Jared 12/17/22 L MD 17 - 6
#393 Noda, Nate 11/12/22 W FALL 1:36
Hunter Vernon vs common opponents: 6 - 4
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#132 Kuster, Joe 01/31/25 W DEC 4 - 1
#52 Roberts, Michael 01/04/25 L FALL 3:33
#77 Macias, Michael 01/04/25 L MD 14 - 2
Salin, Jase 01/04/25 W DEC 9 - 5
#213 Rathjen, Logan 11/24/24 L DEC 7 - 2
Stovall, Jakob 11/24/24 W FALL 1:50
Nichols, Whit 11/08/24 W FALL 4:13
#156 Gallub, Jared 11/11/23 L DEC 10 - 7
#458 McDaniel, Bradley 11/04/23 W MD 15 - 5
#506 Noda, Nate 11/04/23 W FALL 1:15
WrestleStat Prediction
Jackson Jones (Quincy) over Brendon Marquess (Westminster) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Westminster 15 | Quincy 3
Brendon Marquess vs common opponents: 2 - 4
vs opponent: 0 - 1
Tillman, Cooper 01/19/25 W FALL 4:36
#129 Patting, Jack 01/04/25 L MD 10 - 1
#167 Jones, Jackson 01/04/25 L DEC 5 - 1
Mulay, Andrew 01/04/25 W FALL 1:31
Sederburg, Alexander 12/10/24 L MD 15 - 3
#164 Mendoza, Airamis 12/07/24 L MD 16 - 4
Jackson Jones vs common opponents: 3 - 4
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#129 Patting, Jack 01/04/25 L DEC 4 - 2
#349 Marquess, Brendon 01/04/25 W DEC 5 - 1
Mulay, Andrew 01/04/25 W DEC 8 - 5
#164 Mendoza, Airamis 11/24/24 L DEC 4 - 2
Tillman, Cooper 11/24/24 W FALL 2:29
Sederburg, Alexander 11/09/24 L FALL 1:26
Sederburg, Alexander 11/08/24 L DEC 5 - 4
WrestleStat Prediction
Aaron Taylor (Quincy) over Aidyn Merchant (Westminster) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Westminster 18 | Quincy 3
Aidyn Merchant vs common opponents: 4 - 3
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#139 Miller, Jack 01/04/25 W MD 13 - 3
#149 Taylor, Aaron 01/04/25 W DEC 11 - 7
#320 Moore, Tyren 01/04/25 W FALL 1:09
Salimi, Mustafa 01/04/25 L TF5 21 - 6 2:35
#3 Ritter, Cole 11/24/24 L TF5 20 - 4 7:00
#106 Halter, Jeremiah 11/24/24 W TF5 18 - 0 7:00
#107 Halter, Jeremiah 12/03/22 L MD 12 - 4
Aaron Taylor vs common opponents: 1 - 7
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#106 Halter, Jeremiah 01/31/25 L TF5 17 - 2 5:37
#3 Ritter, Cole 01/16/25 L TF5 18 - 1 3:00
#119 Merchant, Aidyn 01/04/25 L DEC 11 - 7
#139 Miller, Jack 01/04/25 L DEC 5 - 2
Salimi, Mustafa 01/04/25 L TF5 21 - 6 1:57
#448 Moore, Tyren 01/07/24 W TF5 15 - 0 3:26
#18 Ritter, Cole 02/25/23 L TF5 20 - 1 7:00
#18 Ritter, Cole 01/28/23 L TF5 19 - 3 5:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Callan Ivy (Quincy) over Austen Wetzel (Westminster) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Westminster 21 | Quincy 3
Austen Wetzel vs common opponents: 3 - 0
vs opponent: 2 - 0
#42 Ivy, Callan 01/04/25 W MD 17 - 6
#20 Litzsinger, Dalton 11/24/24 W DEC 11 - 6
#42 Ivy, Callan 11/24/24 W DEC 7 - 6
Callan Ivy vs common opponents: 0 - 3
vs opponent: 0 - 2
#20 Litzsinger, Dalton 01/16/25 L FALL 1:33
#54 Wetzel, Austen 01/04/25 L MD 17 - 6
#54 Wetzel, Austen 11/24/24 L DEC 7 - 6
WrestleStat Prediction
Maxim Ryner (Quincy) over Cole Harrell (Westminster) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Westminster 24 | Quincy 3
Cole Harrell vs common opponents: 4 - 2
vs opponent: 1 - 1
#102 Wunsch, Ronan 02/01/25 W DEC 9 - 2
#160 Ryner, Maxim 01/04/25 L DEC 11 - 6
#102 Wunsch, Ronan 11/24/24 L MD 15 - 7
#135 Colbert, Logan 11/24/24 W TF5 15 - 0 7:00
#160 Ryner, Maxim 11/24/24 W FALL 0:49
Neumann, Logan 11/09/24 W TF5 16 - 1 3:59
Maxim Ryner vs common opponents: 2 - 3
vs opponent: 1 - 1
#102 Wunsch, Ronan 01/19/25 L FALL 2:39
#108 Harrell, Cole 01/04/25 W DEC 11 - 6
#108 Harrell, Cole 11/24/24 L FALL 0:49
#135 Colbert, Logan 11/09/24 L FALL 6:31
Neumann, Logan 11/14/23 W FALL 1:32
WrestleStat Prediction
Caleb Groff (Quincy) over Michael Carpenter (Westminster) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Westminster 24 | Quincy 6
Michael Carpenter vs common opponents: 1 - 3
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#80 Groff, Caleb 01/04/25 L FALL 0:34
Razzak, Abdullah 11/09/24 L FALL 2:45
#176 Wiese, Ryder 12/03/22 L FALL 2:32
#205 Ward, Robert 11/12/22 W FALL 5:31
Caleb Groff vs common opponents: 3 - 1
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#291 Carpenter, Michael 01/04/25 W FALL 0:34
Razzak, Abdullah 11/02/24 W MD 10 - 0
#239 Ward, Robert 02/04/24 W DEC 7 - 2
#203 Wiese, Ryder 01/14/24 L FALL 4:42