Dual Compare | University of the Ozarks vs Nebraska Wesleyan

Dual Compare | University of the Ozarks vs Nebraska Wesleyan

#83 University of the Ozarks


#92 Nebraska Wesleyan

Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
Nebraska Wesleyan over University of the Ozarks 19 - 15
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WrestleStat Prediction
Shelton Chastain (University of the Ozarks) over Christopher McClanahan (Nebraska Wesleyan) DEC 8 - 5
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 3 | Nebraska Wesleyan 0
Shelton Chastain vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#154 Gawronski, Isaac 12/07/24 W TF5 17 - 2 4:09
Christopher McClanahan vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#154 Gawronski, Isaac 12/14/24 W DEC 10 - 3
WrestleStat Prediction
Robbie Fisher (Nebraska Wesleyan) over Javin Douglas (University of the Ozarks) DEC 11 - 6
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 3 | Nebraska Wesleyan 3
Javin Douglas vs common opponents: 2 - 0
#155 Higa, Tanner 12/21/24 W MD 12 - 4
#290 Warfel, Henry 12/07/24 W FALL 0:50
Robbie Fisher vs common opponents: 2 - 0
#290 Warfel, Henry 12/14/24 W MD 19 - 8
#155 Higa, Tanner 12/07/24 W DEC 18 - 15
WrestleStat Prediction
Jared Gallub (Nebraska Wesleyan) over Zander Payne (University of the Ozarks) DEC 7 - 5
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 3 | Nebraska Wesleyan 6
Zander Payne vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#324 Cooley, Wyatt 12/07/24 W TF5 15 - 0 3:51
Jared Gallub vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#339 Cooley, Wyatt 12/16/23 W MD 13 - 4
WrestleStat Prediction
Travis Guzman (Nebraska Wesleyan) over Hayden Rofkahr (University of the Ozarks) DEC 10 - 8
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 3 | Nebraska Wesleyan 9
Hayden Rofkahr vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#204 Sanchez, Jesus 12/21/24 L DEC 7 - 3
Travis Guzman vs common opponents: 0 - 2
#204 Sanchez, Jesus 12/07/24 L TF5 21 - 5 4:51
#327 Sanchez, Jesus 11/13/21 L DEC 6 - 4
WrestleStat Prediction
Kaden Ontiveros (Nebraska Wesleyan) over Demetri Teddlie (University of the Ozarks) DEC 11 - 7
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 3 | Nebraska Wesleyan 12
Demetri Teddlie vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#29 Back, Brett 12/21/24 W DEC 10 - 7
Kaden Ontiveros vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#29 Back, Brett 12/07/24 L FALL 1:45
WrestleStat Prediction
Airamis Mendoza (University of the Ozarks) over Seth Littrell (Nebraska Wesleyan) DEC 12 - 5
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 6 | Nebraska Wesleyan 12
Airamis Mendoza vs common opponents: 2 - 2
#81 Roth, Kale 12/21/24 W DEC 13 - 6
#28 McDonough, Bryce 02/29/24 L DEC 5 - 3
#239 Dennis, Micah 02/17/24 W DEC 4 - 3
Felts, Cayden 11/07/23 L DEC 9 - 2
Seth Littrell vs common opponents: 2 - 5
#21 McDonough, Bryce 01/25/25 L TF5 17 - 0 5:00
#81 Roth, Kale 12/07/24 L MD 15 - 5
#239 Dennis, Micah 02/29/24 W DEC 6 - 4
#28 McDonough, Bryce 01/20/24 L TF5 17 - 1 2:30
#28 McDonough, Bryce 11/11/23 L FALL 2:58
#239 Dennis, Micah 11/11/23 W DEC 12 - 10
Felts, Cayden 11/04/23 L DEC 6 - 4
WrestleStat Prediction
Emilio Chavez (Nebraska Wesleyan) over Gabriel Sheikh (University of the Ozarks) MD 18 - 7
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 6 | Nebraska Wesleyan 16
Gabriel Sheikh vs common opponents: 2 - 1
#122 Battaglia, Luke 01/18/25 W FALL 1:40
#64 Pannell, Zane 12/21/24 L TF5 22 - 5 7:00
#121 Merchant, Aidyn 12/07/24 W FALL 2:32
Emilio Chavez vs common opponents: 1 - 2
#122 Battaglia, Luke 01/25/25 L DEC 15 - 11
#121 Merchant, Aidyn 12/14/24 W DEC 18 - 15
#64 Pannell, Zane 12/07/24 L DEC 7 - 4
WrestleStat Prediction
RC Morris (University of the Ozarks) over Sam Weaver (Nebraska Wesleyan) DEC 14 - 7
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 9 | Nebraska Wesleyan 16
RC Morris vs common opponents: 0 - 3
#26 Doyle, Matthew 01/18/25 L TF5 16 - 1 7:00
#44 Wetzel, Austen 11/04/23 L TF5 21 - 5 7:00
#212 Modlin, Kurtis 12/17/22 L FALL 4:23
Sam Weaver vs common opponents: 0 - 3
#51 Wetzel, Austen 12/14/24 L TF5 20 - 4 3:37
#26 Doyle, Matthew 11/15/24 L TF5 18 - 1 1:46
#143 Modlin, Kurtis 11/13/21 L FALL 2:22
WrestleStat Prediction
Casey Kinnell (Nebraska Wesleyan) over Iyanu Akingbolagun (University of the Ozarks) DEC 13 - 11
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 9 | Nebraska Wesleyan 19
Iyanu Akingbolagun vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#107 Harrell, Cole 12/07/24 L MD 15 - 4
Casey Kinnell vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#107 Harrell, Cole 12/14/24 L MD 16 - 4
WrestleStat Prediction
Phillip Saenz (University of the Ozarks) over Donovan Mann (Nebraska Wesleyan) FALL
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 15 | Nebraska Wesleyan 19
Phillip Saenz vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#233 Bailey, Dillon 01/18/25 W TF5 17 - 1 7:00
Donovan Mann vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#233 Bailey, Dillon 11/15/24 L FALL 3:21