Tournament Ranking Breakdown | The College of New Jersey

Tournament Ranking Breakdown | The College of New Jersey

The College of New Jersey Tournament Ranking Breakdown

Record: 9 - 5
Weight Wrestler Rank/Place Plc + Adv
125 Griffin, Matt 37 (NA) 0 0 0
133 Nase, Kyle 19 (NA) 0 0.19 0.19
141 Kotch, Sam 16 (NA) 1.5 0 1.5
149 Conklin, Michael 3 13.5 3.89 17.39
157 Giordano, Jason 59 (NA) 0 0 0
165 Sacco, Nick 11 (R12) 2 0 2
174 Mays, Hunter 9 (R12) 2 1.16 3.16
184 Strashinsky, Alex 14 (NA) 1.5 1.13 2.63
197 Henry, DJ 16 (NA) 1.5 1.76 3.26
285 Coon, Matthew 66 (NA) 0 0 0
Totals 22.0 8.1 30.1